
Add Bot
Our Team


/reactionrole addrole

Adds a role to your Reaction Panel. You can customize the button title and emoji.

/reactionrole send

Sends your Reaction Panel with the Title, Description, and Roles provided.

/reactionrole removerole

Removes the mentioned role from the Reaction Panel.


Set the moderation logs channel in your server.


Remove the moderation logs channel in your server.


Set a welcome and leave channel in your server.


Remove the welcome and leave channel in your server.

/fun f

Pay your respect.

This command is a premium command.

/fun translate

Translate something. You have 25 languages to translate to.

/fun activity

Start a Discord Activity.

This command is a premium command.

/fun button

Make a button with a link.

/fun doublestruck

Doublestruck a text.

/fun generator

Generate a safe (password).

/fun meme

Generate a meme.

This command is a premium command.

/fun chat

Chat with an AI.

/fun 8ball

Generate an answer for your question.

/fun smartrate

Check how smart someone is in %.

/fun simprate

Check a person's simp %.

/fun lyrics

Check the lyrics of a song.

/fun reverse

Reverse a text.

This command is a premium command.

/timer set

Set a timer.

This command is a premium command.

/timer list

See all your timers.

This command is a premium command.

/timer delete

Delete a timer.

/info help = commands

Check the commands.

/info accesscheck

Check how much access your server has to the bot.

/info checkvote

Check if you voted for the bot.

/info links

See all links.

/info website

Find the Spectrum Website.

/info tip

Donate USD to the owners.

/info invite

Invite the bot.

/info ping

Check the ping and uptime of the bot.

/info botstats

Check the stats of the bot.

/info serverinfo

See the info of a server.

/info servericon

See the icon of a server.

/info membercount

See how many members a server has.

/info emojis

Check the server emojis.

/info emojiid

Check the ID of an emoji.

This command is a premium command.

/info invitetracker

Check the invites of someone.

/info permissions

See someone's permissions.

/info userinfo

See the info of a user.

/info presence

Check a user's status.

/info onlinestatus

Check how many people in the server are online and offline.

/info serverprecence

See how many people have a status (like dnd) in a server.

/info checkactivity

Check someone's activity.


See all shards and their status.

/games connect4

Play connect4.

/games tictactoe

Play tictactoe.

/games snake

Play snake.

/games trivia

Play trivia.

/games coinflip

Flip a coin.

/games hack

Hack someone (not really).

/games rps

Play rock-paper-scissors.

/moderation addrole

Add a role to someone.

/moderation removerole

Remove a role from someone.

/moderation ban

Ban someone from your server.

This command is a premium command.

/moderation firstmessage

Get the first message of a channel.

/moderation kick

Kick someone from your server.

/moderation lock

Lock a channel.

/moderation clear

Remove all messages from a channel.

/moderation purge

Delete x amount of message(s).

/moderation unwarn

Unwarn someone in your server.

/moderation warn

Warn someone in your server.

/moderation warnings

Check someone's warnings.

/moderation vckick

Kick someone from the Voice Channel.

/timeout set

Give a user a timeout.

/timeout remove

Remove a timeout from a user.

/automod customword

Blacklist a custom word from your server.

/automod antimentionspam

Enable the anti mention spam system in your server.

/automod antispam

Enable the anti spam system in your server.

This command is a premium command.


Generate an image using AI.

/image achievement

Make an achievement image.

/image awkwardmonkey

Make an awkward monkey meme.

/image car

Generate a random car.

/image dog

Generate a random dog.

/image water

Make a water meme.

/image carreverse

Make a car reverse meme.

/image worthless

Make a worthless meme.

/image drake

Make a Drake meme.

/image pooh

Make a Winnie Pooh meme.

/image npc

Make an NPC meme.

/image pepesign

Let Pepe hold a sign with your text.

/image changemymind

Make a change my mind meme.

/image catsay

Make a cat say something.

/image lisastage

Make a lisa stage meme.

/image gunpoint

Make a gunpoint meme.


Report a bug to us.


Suggest something to us.